Pacific Dental Centre
Wisdom Teeth Extraction
Wisdom teeth are the four permanent adult teeth located at the back corners of your mouth on the top and bottom.

Wisdom tooth extraction is a surgical procedure to remove one or more wisdom teeth — the four permanent adult teeth located at the back corners of your mouth on the top and bottom.

If a wisdom tooth doesn’t have room to grow, called an “impacted wisdom tooth”, often resulting in pain, infection or other dental problems. To prevent potential future problems, some dentists and oral surgeons recommend wisdom tooth extraction even if impacted teeth aren’t currently causing problems.

Why it’s done

Wisdom teeth under the gums cause pain in the mouth.

Wisdom teeth or third molars usually appear between the ages of 17 and 25. They are the last permanent teeth to appear in the mouth. Some people never develop wisdom teeth. And for some, wisdom teeth erupt normally just like other teeth and cause no problems.

Many people develop impacted wisdom teeth. Impacted wisdom teeth may erupt only partially or not at all.

You’ll likely need your impacted wisdom tooth pulled if it results in problems such as:

  • Pain
  • Trapping food and debris behind the wisdom tooth
  • Infection or gum disease (periodontal disease)
  • Tooth decay in a partially erupted wisdom tooth
  • Damage to a nearby tooth or surrounding bone
  • Development of a fluid-filled sac (cyst) around the wisdom tooth
  • Complications with orthodontic treatments to straighten other teeth

Our clinic provides examinations and x-ray for every client to identify all the teeth positions and wisdom teeth complications. If you are experiencing any pain or discomfort, book an appointment with us through the website or call us directly at 604-336-9636.

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